Friday, April 17, 2009

The Shameful Treatment of Iraqs Christians!

Baghdad, Iraq

There is nothing worse than to be a Christian in Iraq.

In spite of being the original people of the country – the Arabs came much later to the country emigrating from present Saudi Arabia, Yemen and other areas – they are second class citizens in their own homeland.

Within one week six were killed – in one home stabbed over fifty times.

Iraq was originally the nation of Assyria. The Assyrians were the first people to accept Christianity in the first century and were the nation that sent Missionaries throughout the world, taking Christianity to China, India, Japan and most of Europe.

Today they are a beleaguered minority in their own land.

They have been treated the worst by the US and the UN.

Afraid of any offence to Islam, the Americans from the very beginning of their entrance into Baghdad in April of 2003 have gone out of their way to favor what they call the "majority".

A classic example is the words of a Christian Chaplain on his role in the country.

"My role is to engage the majority. The minority is not in my scope of concern." – translated, "I help Moslems – I don’t have time to help Christians."

The Assyrian Christians who numbered 2.5 million or nearly ten percent of the country according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2003 find themselves without anyone to support them.

Ironically they have only one seat in the countries Parliament while Moslem mullahs have ten percent – the seats they should have taken by those who would deny them their freedom.

One former Government official says
"It is shameful that the Assyrian Christians who are the original people of the country and should have at least 25 seats in the Parliament have only one seat. Is this democracy? The international community has an obligation to demand that there be proper representation for the original people of the country and to support this."

Along with other Assyrian leaders they hopes for an increase in Assyrian candidates for the upcoming election.

An even more shameful example is the assistance provided for the Christian community.

"The last help we had from the Americans were some computers donated to one of our Women's Centers in 2004" one exasperated Christian representative says. "No help in spite of many requests since"

One US Advisor put it bluntly. "If you want help you better change the title from Assyrian and make it "all Iraqis".

The same Advisor was seen days later meeting with the leader of a major Islamic Party, the double standard clearly visible.

Repeated requests for assistance ranging from help for small shops to youth and women's center to help for farming and security for the Christian community have all been rejected.

A check of one major US Government agency could produce only $400,000 in help for the original people of the country.

The fear of any offence to "moslems" colors the assistance to Iraq's original people.

"They don’t care about us. We made a big mistake. We thought that they would help us, support us and care for us. We were wrong. They love the Moslems. They are more "Moslem" than the Iraqi's themselves" says Amir George, echoing a sentiment expressed often by Iraqis, puzzled as to why the Americans and EU do not support Christians.

"The Moslems have many who support them from throughout the moslem world. It is very strange that the Americans and the EU do not help the Christians. They are the ones that need it the most" says Ahmed Hussein

The Christians are treated the worst by the United Nations which has a long history of discrimination against Christians.

"When the United Nations opened their office in Baghdad in 2003 we went to introduce ourselves" says a Christian representative.

"When we walked into the office of the director of the Human Rights office he stood up and said "You are Christians, aren’t you?". We replied "yes". He said "I have only one word for you. This is a Moslem country. You should leave."

With that kind of shameful treatment from those they expected to be there friends it is no surprise that the Christians have left the country in large numbers.

"We are not afraid of the bombs. That is something we can handle. What we will not do is to be treated this way in our own homeland."

The fact that the people who most of all supported the US and its allies in the liberation of the country and the people most needed to see progress in Iraq have been treated so shamefully by the very people they thought would help them is a telling sign as Iraq sinks into what many Iraqis term "colonization by Iran".

A quick look at Parliament says it all. The Parliament is headed by a Moslem mulla named Halid Al –Ateaa and while the Christians have only one representative what should be their numbers are held by mullahs who fill over 10% of the Iraqi Parliament, roaming around the Parliament building like Mafia dons followed by an encourage of ten to twenty "toughs".

"If this is democracy" says Amir George "We want no part of it. The way they have treated us as human beings, let alone as being Christians is shameful. There is nothing we can do, but we believe God in His time and in His way will bring justice for us. There is only one word for it – Shameful!"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Christians Killed Throughout Iraq!

Christians Killed Throughout Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq In a string of killings, certain to raise fears of a new wave of violence, four Assyrian Christians were killed in areas ranging from Kirkuk in Northern Iraq to Baghdad.

Sabah Aziz Suliman, 60 was killed in his home in Kirkuk on April 1, at approximately 6Am. April first is the Assyrian New Year and one of the most festive days in the yearly calendar. Assyrians gather from around the world to celebrate the festival with dancing, music and time together with their families.

On April 2, at 6AM, 64 year old Nimrud Khuder Moshi was killed in his home and shortly after that at around 8AM, Glawiz Nissan 61 and Hanaa Isaaq, 58 were killed in their home in the Dora neighborhood of Baghdad, a historic Christian community.

According to the Iraqi Government during the time of Saddam Hussein the Assyrian population of the country was approximately 2.5 million or roughly ten percent of the population.

Their representation in the Iraqi Parliament consists of only two members, where they should have at least twenty five.

The group Iraqi Government officials consistently refer to as "the best Citizens, the original people of Iraq" have been consistently killed and marginalized in a country that has taken a dramatic turn towards fundamentalism forcing the population to change dress and lifestyle in a
way completely against the culture and history of cosmopolitan Iraq has affected the Assyrian Christians the most and exposed them to regular danger.

Estimates are that up to half of the Assyrian Christian population has left the country, many to neighboring Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and other areas waiting to see if they can return.

Killings like today in the predominately-Assyrian Christian area of Dora are a major obstacle to their return. William Warda, Chairman of the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization says "W are very concerned at this dramatic rise I violence immediately following the recent elections.

This will greatly affect those displaced outside the countries we are counting on to return and cause many more to leave the country, just when things were calming. "

On a separate note Warda who also operates the NNN News Service in Iraq, said "While this is not directly connected to the killings, the major problem the Assyrians are facing is the fact that the Iraqi Constitution which includes the words "Islam is the official religion of the State" causes there to be a near total lack of religious freedom.

Most people outside Iraq are not aware of the simple fact that it is against the law and the punishment can be death for the most basic human freedom - the freedom to change ones religion.

We are particularly disappointed at the International Community for not supporting this important human right, particularly in a nation they have so heavily invested in, in both blood and treasure."

A sad beginning of the New Year for the original people of Iraq. In a tragic irony, the Assyrians were the first nation in history to accept Christianity and known as the people who brought the faith throughout much of the world, now on the verge of extinction in their own homeland.

Ahmed Jiburi

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Baghdad ER!

"Baghdad ER"

Baghdad, Iraq

Yes, there is an actual, "Baghdad ER"!

There is a bit of a difference, though from the traditional "ER" what we see on Television.

"Baghdad ER" is staffed by angels!

I urgently needed medical care and was taken in to get checked.

In minutes I was on a table being treated with the best medical care in the Middle East.

In a country where people don't go to the Hospital because they see it, correctly as a place where disease congregates and where you will get sick just by going, the irony was amazing.

Here in the center of a war zone was an oasis of kindness, care and love.

"Baghdad ER", has a history, though.

It is technically called the Ibn Sina Hospital named after an early Russian born Arab medical practitioner.

In 1974, Saddam Hussein took it over and it became the hospital for his Baath Party members only.

A plaque on the wall of "Baghdad ER" dated April, 2003 reads, "Coalition forces in the Spirit of the original founders of Ibin Sina Hospital provide excellent care to all regardless of faith, color or religion"

Sitting on the bed, in a hospital the middle of Baghdad, Iraq listening as Dr. Dave Barry explained to me what his tests were showing; I had to fight to keep the tears back.

Surrounding him were his team of "kids", with the brightest smiles, sweetest faces and kindest words I could imagine LT Leskanich and SGT Barkewich ran the show.

As they treated me they told the stories of who comes into "Baghdad ER", they range from US Soldiers in to treat their injuries, to regular Iraqi and other terrorists treated just like any other to the daily influx of Iraqis needing emergency care.

"The Iraqis are always so grateful" says one 32 year old attendant.

"The terrorists just get quiet and don't say anything. I am sure they are shocked that we treat them as well as the others when just minutes before they were trying to kill us."

I ended up staying the night with those "angels" and kept looking across the room and saying to myself "I just love these kids'.

Try to say "thank you" and the only response you get is "Just doing our job, sir, just doing our job"

Let the world say what it may about America, but where in the world are there people who liberate a nation, treat their enemies, let themselves be criticized for doing right in the face of evil and just let it go with "just doing our job, Sir, just doing our job"

In 1835, Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville travelled across the then young United States and penned a book entitled "Democracy in America".

He was puzzled as was much of the "old world" as to how this upstart country across the Atlantic was rising so fast. His conclusion which rings today as true as it did then, was simple and profound.

"America is great" he said "because America is good.

If she ever ceases to be good she will no longer be great".

Looking across the room at the "Baghdad ER" angels, all just "doing their job", I was reminded of his words.

The world, as it tried nearly two centuries ago still cannot figure America out, but her secret is here in Baghdad for all to see.

Treating her enemies, letting those she liberated berate her and apologizing for all the good she does, America just does what keeps making here great and the world stands by in awe at the power of that goodness, which try as it can it cannot defeat!

God bless all the "Baghdad ER" angels and all that serve with them.

Ken Joseph Jr.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Turning The Other Cheek!


I sat in stunned silence as the program enfolded.

It was the unfolding of the Presidents plan for the future of Iraq being presented at one of Washington’s major “think tanks”, charged with putting together the new policy.

First, two experts gave their views, one, a veteran military officer, the other a well trained strategy expert days before the official announcement.

Following them, two key Senators began their discussion.

I waited and waited.

I read the report they had just produced.

There was no mention of even the name of 10% of the population of Iraq. None of their detailed maps of the city of Baghdad or the country even mentioned the people that live in broad swaths of the cities and were the original people of the country.

At the end of the program, I publicly challenged them.

“You have made no mention of 10% of the population of Iraq, the indigenous people of Iraq, the Assyrian Christians !

The Iraqi Government has recently promised them a province in their homeland. What are you going to do for them ?”

There was an embarrassed pause.
“Yes, we know.

The best thing for the Assyrian Christians and all the minorities is for there to be a stable and democratic Iraq,” they mumbled in shame.

Earlier after the Iraq Study Group made its report, I had asked the same question of James Baker and Lee Hamilton, the authors of the report.

The same “Sorry – you are right – we just got so busy…”

Then I began to realize something important. The Assyrian Christians had been shut out from the discussions, the maps and all else was for two reasons.

First, they are Christians and they don’t make bombs, abuse their women and fight against the world.

Second, though and more troubling, is that nobody fights for them.

The discussion went to the Shia and the Sunni and the Kurds and on and on. They were the center of attention because they are destroying each other, have militias and push their way around.

The most important people in Iraq, the people for whom much of the world is indebted for their faith, the first Christian nation on earth, were being completely ignored.

As the program finished and the people began to leave, one man came up to me and said “You are always here like this, aren’t you ? You are doing a good job for your people. Let me know what we can do to help”

Who was it ? Was it a fellow Christian ? Was it a conservative Republican ? Was it a human right activist ?

No, it was a staffer from the Iraqi Embassy.

While we complain about human rights throughout the world, and for Christians in particular, probably the most important reason they are abused the world over is because nobody says anything or does anything about it.

Just a public word at an important meeting makes the difference.

“Turning the other cheek” is an important principle but so is “overturning the moneychangers.”

Maybe we should “overturn” some “moneychangers” this week…

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The General and the Ambassador!

The General and the Ambassador

Washington D.C.

Through 17 hours of grilling testimony at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senate Armed Services Committee, House Foreign Relations Committee and House Armed Services committee General David Petreaus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker kept their cool.

The Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen changed, the audience changed, the days and rooms changed, but there was one consistent section in attendance at all the hearings.

It was the Assyrian Christians!

The Assyrian Christians are the original people of Iraq – the people of Nineveh of Jonah the Whale fame.

Most people don’t know that these people who still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus were the first group of people to accept Christianity.

The long hours of sitting through endless and repetitious testimony paid off for the hardy Assyrian Christian section – they were rewarded with a chance to speak with both the General and the Ambassador . . . twice!

`We were able to speak with both General Petreaus and Ambassador Crocker twice, to thank them for all they have done for Iraq and present them with a map of the Assyrian Province in Iraq and information on our people` said one of the members.

Why are the Assyrian Christians important?

In the broad developments in Iraq, it may seem that they are just one small group – barely 2.5 million people out of a population of nearly 25 million according to the Foreign Ministry under Saddam Hussein with an additional nearly 3.5 million diaspora worldwide who like the Jews with similar numbers long for their `homeland`.

They are often ignored in the daily grind of `Shia, Sunni, Kurd` information that pours out of Iraq, but in fact they are really the most important.

The Assyrian Christians attending the 17 hours of hearings in Congress also passed on an important piece of information to the General and the Ambassador.

`We were able in addition to giving them a map of the Assyrian Province in our homeland in Northern Iraq, tell the General and the Ambassador that we were able to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki and he promised to support an Assyrian Province in our homeland, payments to the over 500,000 Assyrian Christian refugees and payment for them to return home.` commented a team member.

The reaction from the General and the Ambassador?

`They were very happy, particularly to hear that the Iraqi Prime Minister supports our Province and assigned us a staff member to follow up with. ` He continued.

While the General and the Ambassador dominated the news while they were in Washington, it was the Assyrian Christians, the `canary in the mine` of Iraq who touched their hearts.

Will Iraq succeed? Will things get better for the longsuffering Iraqi people? A large amount of the responsibility for that success or failure rests on the original people of Iraq.

The Assyrian Christians are considered the `soul` of the nation and many Iraqis, including the Prime Minister consider the most `loyal and best citizens. `

The Assyrian Christians want just one thing. They want what is known as `The Biden Plan`, named after one of their big supporters, Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

This envisions moving Iraq into a United Kingdom type division where the areas of Iraq - `Shiastan` in the south, `Sunnistan` in the middle, `Kurdistan` in the northeast and `Assyria` in the northwest are allowed to develop much like England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

With the Iraqi Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Congress and the General and the Ambassador on board things are looking up for the first Christian nation.

`God is with us. He has given us favor with the Iraqi Government and the American Government. We believe that the Prophecy of Isaiah 19 which tells us we will have our homeland is about to happen. ` The team leader commented.

Will the General and the Ambassador do what they promised? Will the Iraqi Prime Minister come through?

At least one group of people is pulling all the strings they can to see it happen so the 500,000 of their people languishing as refugees can finally go home and a very old Prophecy can finally come true.

Ken Joseph Jr

If They Would Just Steal 90%!

If They Would Just Steal 90%!

Baghdad, Iraq

Exasperated, the Iraqi Government Minister let it all hang out.

“If they would just steal 90% of the funds from our ministry, I could get something done with even 10%. The problem is that they steal all of it.”

As shocking as it may sound, the comment is heard often in Baghdad as Government Ministries are systematically looted for political as well as personal reasons.

“If there is one greatest need in Iraq today it is simple governance” says one expert like so many others who does not want to be identified.

“To go from the Saddam Hussein Regime to running a normal Government is too much to expect from those with little experience. Iraq is doing significantly better in every field and many are encouraged with the progress. The real problem lies in the ability to handle and manage funds appropriately. This is the reason for the frustration of the Iraqi people as they do not see the practical changes in their lives that they should as the funds destined to make their lives better are systematically siphoned off.”

The system works in many ways, but what the minister was referring to is generally believed in Iraqi Society as they see even the most basic symbols not being taken care of.

The Parliament Building is not clean, the internet usually does not work and funds clearly are not being spent on its upkeep. Obviously whatever budget is set aside for these purposes is not being spent.

According to Falah Saeed “It is very simple. The company that is hired to do the internet is a friend of whoever hired them. They get paid, but they don’t do the work. That is the picture with the whole of the Parliament and all the other ministries. This reason we are not making progress. We have the money. We have the needs. The Thieves are taking it all.”

Across the street, the country’s premier Hotel, the Al Rasheed is in a terrible state of disrepair.
The Swedish Company that built it has offered twice to completely repair and refurbish it to at cost, but twice has been rebuffed by the Iraqi Government who apparently doesn’t want to spend even the cost of materials.

Akeel Abdul Wahab, one of the Managers says “When the hotel was built is was the premier hotel in the Middle East.

Now the toilets don’t work. The doors don’t open.

The hotel is in a general state of disrepair and even when the company that made it offers to fix it they will not do it. We are becoming a nation ruled by thieves.”

Funds that are supposed to go to various ministry activities, as the Minister pointed out are being diverted from Government in massive amounts according to government insiders.

A classic example is the monthly salaries of security guards around just one of the Government Offices.

They are all from the hometown of the particular minister and whereas they should be making somewhere in the area of $100 - $200 a month, are being paid according to their own words up to $1,300 a month – clearly a dramatic diversion of funds from a ministry.
Minorities including Heidi’s, Assyrian Christians, Sabeans, Manacheansns and others are cut out of the extremely partisan nature of the various ministries, preferring to go it on their own with their traditional hard work, good education and international connections.

Many though are throwing in the towel at the extreme ideology and tribal connections that are needed to go forward.

Who is at fault?

“This is a tough question” the expert continues. “with no experience in managing budgets, managing programs and basic finance, the international community and the US in particular need to be responsible for their investments in Iraq. They need to have experts in each ministry carefully monitoring the movement of funds, if for no other reason than the extreme danger of these funds going out to other purposes that can harm security.”

While security has improved dramatically the situation in Iraq is tentative at best simply because with the massive diversion of funds from Government funds for basic services are not being spent and the people are growing tired of doing without.

The Minister concludes “With just 10% of the budget I could do at least some programs and let the people see some progress. I am doing all my best to see if they can just leave a little in the budget.”

“Standing up the Iraqis” is a common theme in Iraq these days, but not matter how much “standing up” is done, if those in place are not ready it will not work.

Expertise is still needed to keep Iraq from sliding back from the tentative victories she now enjoys into the status of a failed state.

“Nobody would turn the keys to a brand new car over to a child just learning to drive.”

“They need to sit in the learner’s seat for a few more years until they can drive. The enthusiasm to get them driving is understandable, but a child is a child and no amount of coaxing or pushing will change that simple fact.” He concludes

For the Americans in particular they need to slow down, think and remember that when the child they launch in his brand new BMW crashes they will have to come back again -better to be patient until his feet touch the seat and even then sit in the next seat as they do in Japan, Korea, Germany and so many other countries.”

Back in Iraq, the Minister just wants 10% of the budget so just some of the programs can get going!

Nabil Amad

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Christians of Iraq Will Survive!

The Christians of Iraq Will Survive!

Baghdad, Iraq

In the face of nearly insurmountable odds, a near complete failure of the international community to assist them in any reasonable way, the historic Assyrian Christians the indigenous people of the country are surviving.

Sheer grit. The "been there -done that" attitude, and probably more than anything else a strong determination that they will not be driven off their historic land has led this hardy band of people to remain.

In the midst of war, bombings and so much going on, the story of the Assyrian Christians, the first nation to accept Christianity, the people through whose tribes most of the world was reached with early Christianity and the only people who continue to speak the ancient lingua franca of the middle east - Aramaic - the language Jesus spoke they remain.

"We had so much hope" says one of the Assyrian leaders, asking not to be identified

"When liberation came we were so happy Saddam was gone and expected so much to happen. At our first meeting with the United Nations office in Baghdad, they told us "This is a moslem country - you should tell your people to leave.

The last help we have had were some computers donated to use in 2004".
Even the US, while professing fairness according to one official the policy is "we concentrate on outreach to the majority" - apparently meaning that the Assyrians along with the Sabeans, Manicheans, Yezidis, Shabaks and others are not on their radar.

While the Assyrians are a minority - in 2002 according to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs the population was approximately 2.5 million or roughly ten percent - they are well respected in the country resulting in the Iraqi Prime Minister proclaiming "The Assyrians are our best citizens. Whenever I travel I make it a point to meet with them.

They are the original people of our country. Whatever they need to prosper and contribute to the New Iraq we are behind them ."

His sentiments are reflected broadly in Iraqi society where the Assyrians as the indigenous people of the country are seen as the core middle class and the as it were, "canary in the mine" of how Iraq will progress in the future.

After all even the Arab Iraqis know that Iraq itself was originally Assyria and their ancestors, Bedouin tribes migrated from Saudi Arabia and others desert areas of the Middle East.

According to the Assyrians, while Iraqi society respects and values them, the international community goes to great lengths afraid that in any way they might offend "islam" to the point that they have been systematically ignored and shut out of much of the postwar progress.

"It is a very strange irony" point out George Nimrod "even the moslem Iraqis muse at the international community that they are more "moslem" than we are, so concerned are they that they not in any way favor Christians. Even the Christians throughout the world have not helped us. The result is that almost nothing has been done for us. It is the Iraqis that have gone out of their way to help us."

Beginning with a disastrous constitution where the words "Islam is the official religion of the State" were inserted at the insistence of the discredited Paul Bremer against the opposition of the Iraqi Constitutional Committee where it was agreed by all parties that "no ideology or religion" would be in the Constitution, to the inability of the international community to understand the strong secularism of the Iraqi Society as a result of the Baath Party and Saddam Hussein's rule the international effort has been according to the Assyrians extremely prejudicial.

"We have finally realized we will have to take care of ourselves" says Leila George "The international community has not helped us, but the Iraqis love us and slowly but surely we are working things out and we will be ok."

She has a small store that sells antiques and various trinkets and ekes out a small living for her family and is putting together a small business plan to refurbish and expand her shop, hopefully with some funds from after giving up trying to get help from a US Government related program.

Robert George in a small Assyrian village in the North of Iraq speaks of the quiet progress "Just in our village 20 families have returned. They have built new homes, we are starting small shops and we are growing once again. We tried to make contact with the local office of international assistance, but no help. We will do it alone."

Other Assyrians are starting small businesses, working for the Government and slowly but surely taking back their place in Iraqi Society.

Two of the Iraqi Ministries are headed by Assyrians and in spite of all odds, the displaced community; mostly in Syria and Jordan living in abysmal conditions is coming back.

Prime Minister Maliki has made it a point to reach out to the community and two decrees have been passed providing transpiration, financial grants, repair of homes and assistance to re-start family businesses for all those in neighboring countries to come home.

His office has made helping the estimated 500,000 Assyrians displaced within Iraq and in neighboring Jordan and Syria, to return home a priority of the government. A project to simply identify the displaced so they can be plugged into the Iraqi Government system has not been funded to date in spite of many, many requests by the Assyrian community worldwide.

Will the Assyrian Christians of Iraq survive? "Don't worry about us" says one "We survived the Assyrian Holocaust, wars, regimes and more. God is with us and He will take care of us. This is our land."

One point of concern though is the political situation. With only two seats in parliament the Assyrians are in a very bad situation where they should have at least 25 seats.

With massive funding for islamist parties and the same refusal to help them, one need the Assyrians do have is for international support for the upcoming elections where it is critical that they increase their seats in parliament to reflect their historic numbers from the present two seats to twenty.

Sadly disappointed by an international community they thought would help them, but sure in their faith and in their determination to stay on the land of their ancestors the Assyrian Christians are slowly coming home.

Instead of bombings, it is the sound of work in the small auto repair shop that Robert George is concentrating on as he works to provide for his family.

"We will be all right" he says "We just forgot for a bit that we have to trust in God and in ourselves. He gave us this land. It is ours and we will remain and we will prosper. We did it before and we will do it again.

If anyone in the international community cares about us, they could help us find our displaced and get a couple of political parties going so we could have normal representations in the Parliament . . . but we won't be crossing our fingers . . . " concludes George.

Nabil Ahmed

Friday, March 6, 2009

Government Is The Problem!

Government is the Problem!

Baghdad, Iraq

"These United States are confronted with an economic affliction of great proportions. We suffer from the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history.

It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift, and crushes the struggling young and the fixed-income elderly alike. It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.

Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, human misery, and personal indignity. Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity.

But great as our tax burden is, it has not kept pace with public spending. For decades we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children's future for the temporary convenience of the present.

To continue this long trend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals.

You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time.

Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we're not bound by that same limitation?

We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow. And let there be no misunderstanding: We are going to begin to act, beginning today.

The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades.

They will not go away in days, weeks, or months, but they will go away.

They will go away because we as Americans have the capacity now, as we've had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Sound strangely appropriate?

It was the inauguration speech on January 20, 1981 of Ronald Reagan.

As amazing as it might seem, a good lesson to those attempting to return the US to a government run system can be had in Baghdad, Iraq.

One could call it "The Tale of Three Internets".

There are three buildings, literally in a row in downtown Baghdad.

In two of them, the Internet works flawlessly. In one it is a total disaster.

Building number one is a large hotel.

The internet service is provided by a small company that simply installed a dish outside, hooked up the computers and they work perfect.

The second building is one run by an American contractor. Again, it runs perfectly.

The third building used to have perfect internet service.

That was when it was run by an American contractor.

Due to constant pressure to "hand things over", it was returned to the Iraqi Government.

The internet service is somewhat of a joke now.

In the morning workers come into the large room where 25 computers are all arranged.

They are so new many still have the plastic on them.

They sit down at the computers; go to the internet and wait and wait and wait.

The ritual continues as they all look at each other with that knowing look and leave.

Once again it doesn't work.

It has been like this for six months now - every since it was "handed over to the Iraqis".

"It is a mess" says Rita Hussein

"Since the government began managing, it nothing works. They come once in awhile and get it going for awhile, but it never works. Yesterday they had it going for ten minutes. They simply don't care. If we complain, though we get in trouble. That is what happens when government runs things like they do for everything in Iraq" she concludes.

As the United States turns more and more facilities over to the Iraqi Government the once squeaky clean and perfectly run facilities are taken over by the creaky, socialist system inherited from Saddam Hussein and instantly fall into disrepair.

Sadly, Iraq is littered with formerly American run facilities, turned over too soon to the Iraqis and now a mess

Amazingly for all the bad he was able to do in such a limited time, including disbanding the Iraqi Army, Ambassador Paul Bremer and his Coalition Provisional Authority never got around to changing the socialist system put in place by Saddam Hussein and his socialist Baath Party.

A quick check of staff at various Government agencies finds them staffed not by professionals, but by relatives, people from the same hometown as the particular minister or supporters.

The "tale of three internets" is an appropriate one as Americans consider getting out of Iraq as well as the future direction of their own country.

All the internet facilities are next to each other with the same systems, same country - two work and one never does!

For the desperate workers just trying to get some work done where do they go?

They go across the street and use the internet at one of the two private services that always work and long for the day when the American Contractor ran theirs!

Even Iraq has some advice for us!

As Ronald Reagan put it 28 years ago, on January 20, 1981 on the steps of the Capitol, "government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Are we listening?

Amir George in Baghdad

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rewriting History!

Rewriting History!

Baghdad, Iraq

It is truly amazing!

If you didn’t know, you would be hard pressed to know that the Americans had actually been the ones to overthrow Saddam Hussein and liberate Iraq.

One could even call it a stroke of genius!

Nowhere is there a monument, sign or anything to say “thank you” to the brave American men and women who paid the ultimate price of over 4,000 lives and over 40,000 injured, to as the young soldiers you can encounter every day say in their own words “Give the Iraqis what we have – freedom!”

You can call it “rewriting history”, “erasing history” or just plain old lying, but the results are the same – a very clear effort to erase the Americans and their contribution from Iraq and create a new version of history that, while not saying it in so many words implies that the Iraqis themselves overthrow the Dictator with the support of their friends in the Middle East.

One sees it daily in small ways.

A soldier at a Checkpoint who has to get permission from a group of Iraqi Soldiers for everything he does.

“You would think the Iraqis overthrew Saddam Hussein by themselves and we are just a nuisance they are trying to get rid of as soon as they can” he says.

American soldiers forced to bow and “genuflex” and literally apologize for their very existence in the country every time they have a meeting with an Iraqi.

Constant pressure to turn over more and more areas, vitally needed to complete the ongoing process of reconstruction and to protect and enable the American effort.

Another is visa requirements.

After liberating the country, putting in billions of dollars to rebuild the country and paying such a huge price in our best and brightest one would think that Americans coming to Iraq would be treated with a little respect, honor and appreciation.

It is traditional in countries that the US has liberated going from Japan to Korea to Germany and more that Americans are welcomed to come and visa requirements reflect this.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Talk to George Stevens who recently came to Iraq. In spite of having an Iraqi Visa which he had waited for weeks to get, he was stopped at Baghdad International Airport for over three hours because the Embassy had not properly communicated his visa to the Interior Ministry and treated literally like a criminal.

For Bat Ye’or, though in her landmark book “The Decline of Christianity under Islam” it would be no surprise.

Her book analyzes the long relationship between political islam and what are called the “Dhimmi” or “peoples of the book”; literally the Christians and Jews living in the Middle East who until the rise of political islam were the vast majority in the area.

The major point of her thesis is that from its very beginning political islam was parasitic, essentially feeding off the “Dhimmi”.

Simply put, the beginning of political islam was tribes living in the desert conquering the stable Christian and Jewish areas, dominating them and feeding off them by charging them astronomical “protection” money, forcing them to wear distinctive clothing, bow and respect
their Islamic conquerors and more.

Due to this “parasitic” idealogy, essentially the Christian and Jewish communities were slowly driven out from the Middle East and as a result political islam killed the very source of their wealth.

Without oil to fill the gap, political islam would have died a very long time ago simply because of its inability to create wealth say experts.

The Christian and Jewish population which was essentially the Middle East was dramatically reduced to about 20% in the 1950s and following the rise of Khomeini in Iraq in particular, further reduced to the point that it is now under 2% and falling dramatically.

Many view the problems in the Middle East as more economic than anything else due to the dramatic departure of the Christians and Jews who ran the economies as the critical middle class of the region.

It is unemployed youth who are the main source of terrorism and the constant problems in the Middle East.

Many in fact go so far as to view the supposed great accomplishments of the supposed “golden age of political islam” as in fact not accomplishments of political islam itself, but rather much as in the Tang Dynasty in China, accomplishments of the oppressed Dhimmi in its midst instead.

“What is happening in Iraq today is not unique” says one expert who asks not to be identified.

“It fits into the classic pattern of using Christians, Jews and others to accomplish important tasks for political islam and then erasing what they have done.

In a few years, most people will probably think that the Liberation of Iraq was accomplished by the Iraqi people with support from the moslem world.” He continued

One would be hard pressed to disagree with him. The rewriting of history has already begun and at least on the surface the Americans seem to be enthusiastically supporting their own erasure from history.

One would think that if nothing else the unimaginable sacrifice of blood and treasure would be motivation enough to make sure that America’s great accomplishment in liberating 28 million people from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and the subsequent rebuilding of the nation in the greatest such effort since World War II.

A good start would be an official “thank you” from even one Iraqi Government official and at least one monument in a prominent place in Baghdad memorializing the sacrifice of America.

Amir George

Transparency and Accountability!

Transparency and Accountability

Baghdad, Iraq

At a time of financial crisis and in a new day where "Transparency and Accountability" are the new buzz words, a good place to start is Iraq where the United States has expended nearly one trillion dollars since liberating 28 million from the Terror of Saddam Hussein.

Shortly after the Liberation of Iraq, a TV Station and network was begun. It is called "Al Hurrah" or "The Free One"

The only other TV Network broadcasting in Iraq and available without Satellite amazingly was a 24 hour Iranian Arabic Channel slandering the US nonstop.

Paid for by US Taxpayers to the tune of over $70 Million Dollars a year, one would think that it would be a beacon of hope and positive news in Iraq and the Middle East.

A recent check of an average Middle East Satellite selection shows 522 Channels with 56 or just over 10% broadcasting what the locals call "Islamic" programming.

A far cry from any kind of religious fare one similarly copied "commercial" is nonstop on most of them – the picture of US Troops kicking down doors, roughing up prisoners interspersed with bizarre footage of bleeding children, wailing parents and more.

The ones suffering the most as a result in addition to the average public are the Assyrian Christians, the indigenous people of Iraq from the time Iraq was the first Christian Nation in history – now down to about 10% of the population.

Speaking with the director for Iraq – we will all him Ali Mohammed – we asked a few questions about the Channel he has been in charge of in Iraq since 2003.

"How often do you have programs on all the good the Americans are doing in Iraq – rebuilding schools, getting the electricity going, helping train the police, army and more."

A fairly reasonable question, seeing that it is a 100% US Taxpayer financed network.

The reaction was stunning and I checked again to make sure I had the words correct.

"I hate to report on anything the Americans are doing" he said

"It is not my type. It is not my job to promote American propaganda." He continued.

His assistant chipped in "what have the Americans done for Iraq"

We pressed on "When was the last time you did a program on what the Americans are doing in Iraq?"

He paused and said "Oh, maybe once six months ago"

Previously having worked at networks in Dubai and Kuwait he was hired immediately following the Liberation of Iraq and has been on the US Payroll since.

Watching "Al Hurrah" with some Iraqi friends they became instantly upset as an "Inman" or moslem Priest was featured on the program.

"Why do the Americans do this" they replied! Why are they always promoting islam?

Another young man put it even more clearly. "The Americans are hated because of a very simple reason" he said. "For those of us who see what the Americans do every day with our own eyes, we love them for it and are so grateful.

For most of the Iraqis, and for most people in the Middle East all they see are the terrible reports on all the Arab channels that tell crazy stories of the Americans purposely stopping the electricity to hurt the Iraqis, hurting the women and children and all kinds of other lies."

"While there are dozens of Arab channels lying about the Americans every day, even on their own channel – Al Hurrah they don’t tell their own story.

This is the reason! The Iraqis have never seen or heard all the wonderful things the Americans have been and are doing."

"There are two wars" he continued. One was the military one and that the Americans won completely. The other is the war of communications and for this the Americans have failed completely.

For some very strange reason they do not tell their own story."

With the director of their operations in Iraq saying and repeating that he "hates" to do any stories on all the good that the Americans are doing and an Assistant who chips in "what have they done?" it is no wonder that in spite of massive assistance and help in all levels of Iraqi society, nobody knows about it.

What country in the world would pay 70 Million Dollars a year and hire people who say they "hate" to do what should be their primary mission – giving the American message to the Iraq and the Middle East – just one voice against 56 others broadcasting a 24 hours a day message of hate.

In a normal situation a "fair and balanced" view might be possible, but when you are countering dozens of the most bizarre and hateful media systems in the world, the "fair and balanced" view is not enough.

“Go back to the drawing board", would be the view of those Iraqis in the know.

"Tell your story" the young man continued "tell your story because it is a beautiful story of all the good you have done for Iraq and above don’t pay to slander yourself."

A big of common sense from one young man in Baghdad who loves America and the freedom it has brought to his country.

A big reality check?

Most Iraqis and in particular Government Officials act as if they had singlehandedly overthrown Saddam Hussein.

It is definitely time for a bit of Transparency and Accountability!

Amir George

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Iraq Is Back!

Iraq Is Back!

Baghdad, Iraq

The cavernous room adorned with the symbol of the past – the seal of Saddam Hussein on the ceiling, in the carpet, on the lights, in the walls, and it all seemed strangely appropriate as an amazing even took place.

Officially it was the "First NGO Cooperation Conference", put on by the Iraqi Government to encourage the non-profit sector.

Unofficially it was a modern day miracle!

The session began as most such conferences do with the various speeches beginning with the Minister of Displacement, the Honorable Abdul Samed R. Sultan who spoke about a new beginning and forgetting the past and moving forward.

In a sign that there is still some way to go, the Government Sponsored conference was opened by a 15 minute recitation of "verses of the holly Koran" and the Prime Minister was a "no show" in spite of being on the official program.

The main event ended with four non-profit organizations giving slide presentations of their work in various areas of the country.

A typical conference!

The real "show" was after that.

In a truly amazing series of events the Ministers and various dignitaries sat in a circle while the representatives of the fledging groups gathered around ostensibly for a "question and answer" time.

For all those who still doubt that albeit slowly, Iraq nearly six years later is going to make it, the dramatic events taking place in one of Saddam Hussein's special halls was answer enough.

Person after person stood up and chastised the various Ministries for incompetence, demanded help for their particular area and in some cases actually shouted at the Minister in charge.

In a dramatic departure of what would have happened a few short years ago the Minister sat quietly listening and occasionally replying.

Ali one of the participants put it well. "Most don’t realize this, but under Saddam Hussein this would have been completely impossible. To speak up about something you think in a public place itself was not allowed. To speak as we are doing to a government minister would be immediate prison or worse."

The secretary to the Minister of Migration herself was moved. Asked how she thought the event was going she said "We still have many problems but the way the people have all come, how they have freely shared their feelings and ideas. It is amazing!"

Another participant Amir said "we still need to work more on getting religion out of government. The long reading of the Koran at the beginning was not necessary, but we have come a long way!"

Is Iraq going to make it? Can Democracy ever take root in the troubled soil fertilized by 35 years of the hellish dictatorship of Saddam Hussein?

It sure looks like it!

For all we like to take pride in our accomplishments I don’t think we have yet arrived at the place where the director of the IRS is ready to sit and take the ire of taxpayers for three hours and meekly respond . . . which was exactly what was taking place as the Minister in charge of granting non-profit status did.

Does Iraq have a long way to go! You bet! Will she make it? Nobody knows.

At the same town, the cavernous hall of Saddam Hussein with his special crest as it always was above, below, on each side "watching" the proceedings seemed to provide the answer.

Iraq is back, stronger, more confident – not walking yet, but crawling very, very fast, just about ready to take its first steps, alone and free in over 35 years.

Was the sacrifice of over 4,000 brave young men and women who gave their lives and nearly 40,000 who were injured worth it? Did America do the right thing?

The answer is self evident.

Iraq is back, and she will never forget who stood up to the dictator when nobody else would.

Ken Joseph Jr.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Iraqi Election Announcement From Baghdad

Iraqi Election Results Announced

Baghdad, Iraq

In a packed and chaotic press conference in a central Baghdad hotel the Iraqi Election Commission announced the results of recent local elections.

Initial results showed a strong showing for the party of Prime Minister Maliki who received approximately 38% of the vote in Baghdad followed by lesser showings by the Sadr party and an apparent tie between a Sunni Party and the party of the secular former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi.

"They voted for security" said one independent womens activist, "those elected were those that instead of just talking have actually reduced the violence.

In addition, I feel that this election, at least from the initial results is much more pragmatic and much less idealogical than the previous one.

I think we have made some progress from the more radical islamist agenda". Former Minister of Migration, and Assyrian Christian, Pascale Warda herself in Nineveh Province, said "We have seen some major problems in our community.

We are being told by our people that in Nineveh and Baghdad only about 30% were allowed to vote.

We feel there has been a clear pattern of voter intimidation and interference in the voting itself, with people coming to the voting offices and being told their names are not on the lists.

We are currently investigating these reports, but we are not surprised as this is what happened at the last election as well."

While the election itself was well observed and appeared to go technically much better than before, observers have noted that the fundamental problem is that with one exception all members of the election commission are in fact Islamists and are feared to be operating the election with idealogical and religious biases.

"I ran to become a member of the election during the time of Paul Bremer under the CPA but remain puzzled to this day that it was only Islamists that were allowed on the commission". said the female activist.

In spite of passionate denials by those who worked on the elections, most Iraqis see things quite simply.

They look to see if the women have their heads covered by the Hijab islamic head covering. The Womens Activist continued

"When I left Iraq in the 1980s no women ever covered their head with the islamic head covering.

Now nearly 60% or more do so.

This is a very troubling development for those of us who look forward to a secular, open and freedom loving society."

The only two women on the panel had very tight and complete islamic head coverings sending the message to all Iraqis who watched the election results that the goverment for all the progress both technically and politically, is still firmly in the hands of islamists.

Ironically International support staff could be seen helping to put on the election announcement from running the projections to giving out information on the election itself.

"This has been the fundamental problem" said the activist.

"It has been this interference by the international community, not in support of a stable, secular, what we would consider a modern government, but their strong support as you could see today for this islamist agenda.

It is very curious and strange and has harmed the desire of iraqis for a secular, civil state" she continued.

In fact, many educated Iraqis in particular fault former CPA head Paul Bremer for not being able to understand the strong desire of Iraqis for a secular, civil state and instead pushing for a strong islamic government.

"The British have a Christian Constitution, the Iraqis are moslem they should have a moslem constitution" at his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a comment that angers many of the forward looking Iraqis.

"We are deeply concerned that it appears that the islamists with their enablers in the international community have influence the election idealogically to push their agenda and the reports we are currently investigating that only 30% of the Assyrian Christian community were able to vote, appears to confirm this.

" The mass pandemonium that broke out in the announcement hall even as the announcements were being made and the near brawl that erupted as the members of the Election Commision lead by tightly veiled and extremely grim faced islamist Hamdiya Aihasan tried to leave, were testimony that while some progress has been made, there is a long way to go.

Ken Joseph Jr.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Life Comes To Washington

Life Comes To Washington

Washington, DC

In the aftermath of the Inauguration, in fact the very next day a wonderful blessing took over the city of Washington and the National Mall.

Beginning with a massive rally at the Verizon Center, the March for Life made its presence known.

A local Police Officer attending the new crowd said `they couldn’t be more different. It is a joy to watch over this group.

With estimates up to 150,000 and a march that went over a half mile long the March For life took over downtown Washington with a cheerful, upbeat group.

They came in all sizes, shapes and groups. Priests and nuns, kids from just about everywhere, babies that had been saved from abortion, the March for Life memorialized the 36th anniversary of the passing of the life altering passage of Roe vs. Wade.

As if to personally insult the group within hours of the end of the march, one of the first executive orders of the new administration was to roll back the anti-abortion provisions that had been in place for the past eight years.

`We are very concerned that all the accomplishments of the past years will be overturned` said one participant `we face a new administration that is hostile to life`.

Within hours, she was proved right.

Nonetheless, with signs like `We Choose Life`, `I Love Babies` and `Stop Abortion Now` the joyful crowd assembled at noon on the National Mall on the same site that hours earlier proponents of limitless abortion had gathered for the inauguration.

The irony was not lost on the many that interacted with the group from hotel staff to police officers who all commented on the dramatic difference between the crowd that had assembled for the inauguration the day before and the March For Life Participants.

In a show of cross denominational cooperation Catholic, Protestant and just about every denomination in the middle gathered around the single theme of protecting life.

`In a sense it is good that for the first time in a long while we face a Washington that now wants to restore Abortion. It forces us to work harder to protect life` commented one participant.

Abortion Rights and Homosexual rights were two of the rallying cries of the election and one group – the pro-life organizations has a new battle ahead.

The swiftness with which – on the very second day of the new administration – restrictions on Abortion were removed surprised many, but the old-timers in the movement had seen it before.

The battle ahead may be hard with a new administration and Congress hostile to the pro-life movement, but for just one day, Life took over the National Mall and downtown Washington DC, culminating in a rally in front of the Supreme Court where so many years ago Life had been dealt a near fatal blow.

The concern on many faces as the rally wound down was how different the situation would be a year from now when they meet again.

Ken Joseph. Jr.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Other Inauguration

The Other Inauguration

Washington DC

The much vaunted, post-racial, `come together` campaign culmination was neither.

I for one waited and waited and then waited some more for someone to tell the truth.

After watching enough fawning to make me nauseous, I had to say something.

I was there from the very beginning in the middle of the National Mall, on the day before as well as the whole inauguration.

The crowd was overwhelmingly african american. That is a simple fact that anyone there knows and should be honest enough to say so.

It was a mess. There was no `coming together`. The atmosphere was extremely racist and if you didn’t look right, they let you know.

It took hours to get into the mall and in spite of being the `peoples inauguration` was far from it.

All the `big people` had special passes that got them into their special area while all of the `regular people` had to go under a nearly quarter mile tunnel under the mall, where it was difficult to breathe just to get into the National Mall.

The event itself though was far from what it was described.

I felt very, very uncomfortable. Regular glances and snide remarks sent the message very clearly `what are you doing here – this is our event`!

Further, the booing and dancing and hate filled comments when President Bush and Vice President Cheney came out were unacceptable.

The speech insulted President Bush over and over and honestly was neither profound nor well written.

The extremely racist `prayer` by an out of date Joseph Lowry would have caused a major scandal. Instead, it brought loud guffaws from the crowd who didn’t seem to know or really care what a `prayer` actually was. No heads were bowed during any of the prayers.

For whatever it means the much vaunted crowd that filled the mall was a mean, hateful, rough crowd.

Not only the mall but all of Washington was taken over by this whole group. From hawking everything from t-shirts to all kinds of buttons bordering on `buy something or you don’t pass`, the atmosphere was a far cry from the disgusting descriptions that I have had to watch nonstop on TV and read in the paper.

Frankly, I was completely sickened by it all and exhausted entered the lobby of a hotel in on Capitol Hill bracing myself for another flood of the angry, mean crowd.

I came upon the strangest of situations. There were two distinct groups of people who were mobbing the hotel lobby, the restaurants and up the escalators.

One group was clearly leaving. This was the same mean, nasty grown from the National Mall.

Another huge group was on their way in, lined up at the Check In counter and the two groups were mingling going in their different directions.

The two groups though were dramatically different.

In contrast to the first group, the new group was dramatically different. They were bright, cheerful, smiling and brightened the otherwise mean atmosphere.

I was curious. Who could they be?

A quick question to a small group waiting in the lobby..

`Oh, were here for The March of Life`.

Now it all made sense!

What a difference. One group with a leader promising one of his first acts would be to rescind the restrictions on abortion wholesale.

In contrast the leaders of the other group, dedicated to saving life..

`Look over there` the lady said `it is a baby that was saved from an abortion`.

There lay a little child in the arm of a nun.

Then I suddenly focused and there seemed to be Priests, Nuns and bright cheerful kids, seniors and just about everything in between.

What a contrast!

Somehow, I found the tears coming. It had been a tough and miserable two days with the `thugs` having taken over the city.

How refreshing to have some brightness, faith and above all, hope – the real kind!

Ken Joseph Jr.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God Bless You, George Bush!

God Bless you, George Bush

Washington, DC

Marine one flew once over the National Mall and then circled around for one last view of the city that has been his home for the past eight years.

That was George and Laura Bush`s goodbye to Washington.

While the attention was elsewhere, 25 million people quietly in their hearts expressed gratitude for their freedom.

They were the people of Iraq who had given up hope in 2003. When nobody cared, nobody had the courage to stand up to Saddam Hussein, it was George W. Bush who did.

Another group of people, in particular the women and girls who had been banned from school and abused beyond measure under the terrible Taliban, cheered quietly in Afghanistan as well.

Another group of people should share that same gratitude. They are the 300 million people of the United States of America who owe their safety and freedom to the same George W. Bush.

Since September 11, 2001, America has been safe. No terrorist has succeeded in spite of many, many attempts to harm the homeland.

In maybe an even greater way, George W. Bush restored to America a love and respect for her birthright of faith.

It was George W. Bush, the recovered Alcoholic, the recovered `bad boy` who had experienced forgiveness and salvation.

For him, it meant something because he had come a long way.

If there is an even larger legacy to the eight years of President George Bush in addition to liberating Iraq and Afghanistan and keeping American safe, it is his taking American back to her spiritual roots.

For the first time in a long while, faith, prayer, God as the foundation of life and the rebirth of a new era of, based on the concept of Faith Based Initiative, God was back in the public square.

You can be proud of all you did, and in particular for your bringing the love that founded this great country – the love for Jesus Christ back.

God bless you, George W. Bush. He did and He will.

Ken Joseph Jr.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

`But Everybodys Doing It`

`But Everybody’s Doing It`

Washington DC

When I was a kid and tried to persuade my dear, sweet Mother to give me permission to go somewhere or do something that I knew was wrong,, I would always find myself saying `But, Mom, everybody`s doing it`.

Her answer always came back immediately.

`They are all going to hell too; do you want to go with them? `

In Washington watching the crowds of strangely mesmerized people descend on the city I remember the words of my mother.

`Everybody` might be on the bandwagon, but what my Mother was trying to teach me so long ago was that there are principles, core beliefs and integrity that regardless of what `everybody` might do and saying, do not change.

`Everybody` might be dancing in the streets at the crowing of Barack Hussein Obama who has requested that he be sworn in with his middle name, , but for those, as few as they may be for whom integrity, honesty and character count facts and truth reign larger than rhetoric and promises.

The simple facts will go down in history.

I have met Barack Hussein Obama many, times and have sat through hours of his comments in Congress, but he remains to me as to all thinking people a total and complete enigma.

When have we ever put into such a powerful position, someone about whom we know nearly nothing.

First, unprecedented in American history, the near total collapse of a free and honest press.

When did Journalism and Journalists for whom truth, integrity and honesty are the basis of their craft, completely abandon them all for fawning and wide eyed emptiness.

No investigations, no background checks, no research and instead total and unequivocal and completely unprofessional support.

Second, how could a man be elected the highest office in the land and leader of the world without providing the most basic of requirements, particularly for an office that according to the constitution explicitly requires it – a birth certificate with date, hospital name, and name of the Doctor just like the rest of us?

To date, Barack Hussein Obama has not produced any information other than a `Certificate of Live Birth`, which according to Hawaii law 338 is provided to those born overseas as long as they are registered.

Nothing can change the simple fact all his family members know, that he was born on August 4, 1961 at 7:24PM at the Coast Provincial Government Hospital in Mombasa Kenya.

Further, at a cost of over $800,000 to date in legal fees, his records from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard University, all on foreign student scholarships has been sealed.

The only school records available, from the two elementary schools he attended in Indonesia, read quite simple, `citizenship – Indonesia, Religion – moslem. `

Third, and even more concerning, the fact that over half of the over 600 Million Dollars raised for his campaign coming in online with no security or checking whatsoever.

A quick check of the Federal Election Commission listing of campaign donations is nothing less than shocking with unreadable numbers, first names and of thousands of `donations` from the same credit cards, much of it from overseas should puts even the fiercest supporters in shock.

My heart sank when speaking with a high official in the Republican Party and hearing him say `we know it all, but the Press just won’t support us . . . `
`Everybody is doing it? `

What was my mother saying?

She was teaching me that the foundation of integrity is to, regardless of the press of `everybody` and the wave of fawning mindlessness, stands firm on principle.

Particularly as a Christian, to have a man who has promised his first act as President will be to restore Abortion on Demand and complete homosexual rights not to mention a long list of policies that as Christians we cannot even remotely support, the response is simple.

`Everybody is doing it`.

Does that make it right?

`Everybody is doing it`.

Does that mean that we mindlessly accept?

No it doesn’t.

Truth is truth.

Integrity is integrity.

Though by the sheer and overwhelming force of massive paid publicity `everybody` may be hypnotized into mindless subservience, God in His way and in His time in answer to the prayer of the few and those of integrity will bring truth out.

We are called to pray for him as a leader. That is clear.

Barack Hussein Obama may have `won`, but in abandoning integrity he has put himself in a place where only God, who knows all will in His time, and in His way cause truth to reign.

Ken Joseph Jr.