Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God Bless You, George Bush!

God Bless you, George Bush

Washington, DC

Marine one flew once over the National Mall and then circled around for one last view of the city that has been his home for the past eight years.

That was George and Laura Bush`s goodbye to Washington.

While the attention was elsewhere, 25 million people quietly in their hearts expressed gratitude for their freedom.

They were the people of Iraq who had given up hope in 2003. When nobody cared, nobody had the courage to stand up to Saddam Hussein, it was George W. Bush who did.

Another group of people, in particular the women and girls who had been banned from school and abused beyond measure under the terrible Taliban, cheered quietly in Afghanistan as well.

Another group of people should share that same gratitude. They are the 300 million people of the United States of America who owe their safety and freedom to the same George W. Bush.

Since September 11, 2001, America has been safe. No terrorist has succeeded in spite of many, many attempts to harm the homeland.

In maybe an even greater way, George W. Bush restored to America a love and respect for her birthright of faith.

It was George W. Bush, the recovered Alcoholic, the recovered `bad boy` who had experienced forgiveness and salvation.

For him, it meant something because he had come a long way.

If there is an even larger legacy to the eight years of President George Bush in addition to liberating Iraq and Afghanistan and keeping American safe, it is his taking American back to her spiritual roots.

For the first time in a long while, faith, prayer, God as the foundation of life and the rebirth of a new era of, based on the concept of Faith Based Initiative, God was back in the public square.

You can be proud of all you did, and in particular for your bringing the love that founded this great country – the love for Jesus Christ back.

God bless you, George W. Bush. He did and He will.

Ken Joseph Jr.



Anonymous said...

Well said! Despite a continued assault from a biased media, he kept his promise. A promise he made to the American people with his hand on a Bible, twice.

He defended us in a time where few thought it popular. I am proud to have called you my President.

God Bless you sir


Anonymous said...

Amen and Thank You President Bush!